Normally, metallic coins shout more than paper money , But paper money holds a higher value compared to coins. Always do not go for the noise but look for the silence, great things do not happen in noise but behind the curtain , so always focus on discovering what is happening behind the curtain. Like a buffet, always fake and unpalatable foods come first be wise, dont rush.

In cryptocurrency industry , we have such noise similar to that made by metallic coins. Many Digital currencies / cryptocurrencies are just Making Noise but worthless and soon will cease one by one. people are jumping on the Bandwagon and following sheepshly to earn a daily bread BUT behid the Curtain there is a MEGA project Rainbow currency/YEM . YEM is an acronym which stands for Your Everyday Money and is a trading symbol for Rainbow Currency.

Why YEM is the next global currency;

In my Opinion, Since YEM was designed to be a pure currency for paying for goods and services, not a speculative asset for daily trading. It focused on building its economy/businesses that strongly backup the currency , the demand for the YEM comes from the demand created by its businesses which address all human needs, that is why it called Your Everyday Money. At the end every one will need YEM to use the services. e.g Nano solar technology (solario) , happy health services, the YEM international hospital services , the International vacation club, Car purchase, The world's biggest blockchain real estate project called twnkl estate , among others.
All these projects  are already operating and are pushing Rainbow currency/YEM to the moon. So before joining any cryptocurrency first look at the business model , Many of other cryptocurrencies if not all ,do not have businesses that back them up but rather depend on news and price manipulation, This includes what you call a safe haven Bitcoin. Thats why in one day bitcoin can fall almost to a half of its price , because it doesnt have pillars where it stands so it is worthless .

YEM is gaining value from day to day : Due to its strong economy YEM is keeping going high in value , eventhough today there is world economic crisis as due to covid-19. The YEM will continiousily go Up in the next 5 years So it is a wiser decision to save some of your assets/money in this currency.

YEM fullfills the vision of digital currency:
The vision of a cryptocurrencies is to change the state of Money from fiat /paper to digital, but not digital assets for daily trading like you see many crypto do. Where people are ever converting digital to cash to earn a local currency for a daily bread . YEM aspires to be a payment option at all points directly even without converting it into any currency (pernum pay). That is the future of Money but not making profits in daily trading like we see other cryptocurrencies.

Tax information: Every government want to get tax to boost its economy, YEM is ready to collaborate with governments for tax purposes and its blockchain is set for that. So every country will yearn for YEM. Today YEM foundation has talked with different governments /central banks to accept YEM

Private blockchain : The blockchain of YEM (twnklchain) is private but publicly visible. The fact is, a public blockchain is not good for doing business and no government can accept currency with unknown users and service providers, so a public blockchain like that of etherium and bitcoin are good for money Laundering but not for serious sensitive issue like a pure currency to be used by governments. Its a wiser decision other cryptocurrencies move to private blockchains if they wish to be currencies in future, though its very expensive

Rainbow Currency Foundation dba YEM foundation; Like the way you can see the Federal reserve of a dollar, the YEM foundation do the same AND its roles is to set regulation to protect the currency from price manipulation, high volatility rate protection among others. This puts a currency in the right position of acceptance by all governments,

YEM is represented by strong foundations/organisations for example: YEM is represented on International Monetary Fund (IMF), Under Union of International Associations which operates under the mandate of United Nations , Discussing with many government to accept YEM , YEM is legally accepted in German as a legal currency. All in all No any virtual currency that scores even 5% next to YEM .

The Blockchain is the fastest, it uses the latest technology of proof of stake, which doesnt consume energy and offer instant transactions. Payment with YEM is fast, Easy , private and secure, No one can ever hack you unless you share your security credentials.

Artificial Intelligence Verification process: The verification process of Rainbow currency /YEM is highly standardised , and offered by One of the Leading verification company called IDnow to Fullfill anti-money Laundering Laws/AML law. Governments will accept YEM whether you like it or Not

Guys stop focusing on the Noise made by other small fake crypto projects , here is the future. Dont waste time chasing rabbits and cats for food, yet behind the curtain there is an elephant.

Note : This is not a Marketing material, But facts from my personal analysis.

For today i will stop here , thanks for reading and our next topic continues as the same..............
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Next topic: continuation; The new global currency YEM

Thak you,

Sharif Mawejje - The crypto-currency analyst

Pernum: 1000849843

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  1. Thank you brother..
    This is very nice.

  2. good to know about YEM thanks for sharying

  3. Merci pour tes Annalise bien détaillé sur la monnaie Yem

  4. bienvenue mon frère, merci aussi pour ton compliment

  5. Thanks for updating us keep it up

  6. Merci beaucoup. Nous voulons aussi avoir un peu d'explication sur commet vérifier son compte. Même s'il faut une vidéo tuto pour nous expliquer un peu la procédure. Merci

  7. Good information but that's how everyone do while marketing, i would need to know the risks of being a member or challenges about it

    1. NO risks as well as you understand this project , take time and Understand, read the privacy policy, you will only get problems when you call them by yourself.

    2. Thanks for the good wakeup message let's push it ahead

  8. Magically changing the world

  9. Woow thanks a lot it's really good news to know

  10. Awesome analysis. Proud to be a YEM holder.

  11. Thank you for the information

  12. Thanks for sharing good information about YEM

  13. Mais tant qu'il y'a pas ce paire yem/$
    Et que les gens qui sont dedans plus de 3 ans sont obligés de brader leurs compte à 10 francs.pour trouver leur capitale. Moi je ne fais pas confiance.

    1. Vous manquez simplement de bien comprendre le projet et vous vous fixez des objectifs à très court terme, ROME n'a pas été construit en 1 nuit, soyez patient

  14. Truely, Yem is a unique virtual currency. I like it.

  15. This is Fantastic. We need more of this information to share with others. Keep it up

  16. In Ghana YEM is not known to many.How do you help us to make more acceptable to the people.

    1. Contact me via then i will link you the strong leadership and you make it happen Ghana

  17. Prière me contacter sur WhatsApp au : 0022964088515 pour mieux discuter de comment on peut vulgariser le Yem au Ghana.

  18. Wow this information is awesome. The power of we keep it up.

  19. Thanks Bro keep the good work up

  20. Thanks big man for a wonderful information

  21. Thanks for sharing the info with others. Also proud to own YEM (Your Everyday Money)

  22. Thank you brother for sharing great information about the YEM.

  23. Thanks for the great updates....also anyone here who wants to be a YEM partner...I can help you up to 400 YEM.... contact/Whatsapp me on +256752246998 ....real and no jokes ...thank you

  24. Thank you so much brothers you've done a great job towards Unicorn Network

  25. YEM holders congratulations and am glad to be among the YEM holders because since late 2019 I have never remained the same by just holding YEM and stock YEM whenever you get an opportunity to stock or buy because the knowledge I have about YEM today is the game Changer soon

  26. Great work and thanks

  27. Nice article. YEM is definitely unique and will be the best digital currency soon. The founders have clear vision about its functionality and is striving hard to achieve the best results.

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