
Showing posts from 2020


Current solar power technology  ,has little chance to compete with fossil fuels or large electric grids.  Today’s solar cells are simply not efficient enough and are currently too expensive to manufacture for large-scale electricity generation. However, potential advancements in  Nanotechnology  powered by Solario  will open the door to the production of cheaper and more efficient solar cells. Nanotechnology will be able to increase the efficiency of solar cells, but the most promising application of nanotechnology is the reduction of manufacturing cost. The basic concept is that they use  Plastic which is made using nanoscale titanium particles coated in photovoltaic dyes, which generate electricity when they absorb light. These new plastic solar cells utilize tiny nanorods dispersed with in a polymer. The nanorods behave as wires because when they absorb light of a specific wavelength they generate electrons. These electrons flow through the nanorods until they reach the aluminum e


The world has turned digital . This calls for digital currencies (Cryptocurrency) as a new form of money in order to move in the same line. The state of money will change whether you like it or not. Money has been changing from time to time, remember from the time of batering (barter trade) to commodity money and today we are using fiat. So it is evident from the past history that money has been changing and today its changing from fiat to crypto /Digital Currencies. Gorvenments and central Banking system have tried to fight the emergence of this technology but they have finally failed, So the only solution is to accept to live with cryptocurrency and look for ways of amalgamating it into the available financial system (Central banking system), regulate and minimise the risks. Why Digital currencies (YEM) are a better mode of payment compared to cash -Today. 1. Online business : The world has turned digital, which means that we entered into the digital economy, businesses have to opera


Normally,   metallic coins shout more than paper money , But paper money holds a higher value compared to coins. Always do not go for the noise but look for the silence, great things do not happen in noise but behind the curtain , so always focus on discovering what is happening behind the curtain. Like a buffet, always fake and unpalatable foods come first be wise, dont rush. In cryptocurrency industry , we have such noise similar to that made by metallic coins. Many Digital currencies / cryptocurrencies are just Making Noise but worthless and soon will cease one by one. people are jumping on the Bandwagon and following sheepshly to earn a daily bread BUT behid the Curtain there is a MEGA project Rainbow currency/YEM . YEM is an acronym which stands for Your Everyday Money and is a trading symbol for Rainbow Currency. Why YEM is the next global currency; In my Opinion, Since YEM was designed to be a pure currency for paying for goods and services, not a speculative asset for daily tra


T he story of cryptocurrency started way back in 2009 , when an individual or a group of people in the name Satoshi Nakamoto started a computer based digital asset called bitcoin. Bitcoin paved away for many related projects to start and today cryptocurrency projects range from hundreds to thousands, each one claiming to be the best in the Arena of crypto. Look, Due to many developments that have germinated in the industry, it is proved to the Central Banking system that cryptocurrency and blockch- ain  technology is not here to Joke , But to change the Future of Money from fiat (paper) to Digital. Eventhough we have a thousands of cryptocurrencies out there, only a few are prepared to be the future of money that fullfills the requirements of Money/ currency. Many of cryptocurrency projects will fail in later time to come eventhough they do appear to be the strongest today ,and many will end up as mere digital assets for daily trading but not as pure currencies for paying for goods and